TracBASE is an industry-leading tracking solution that utilises the internet; a substantial hosted database, barcoding, RFID, GPS, photographic evidence and mobile data capture. It can be used in a variety of ways depending on the project requirements but is always fast, reliable and easy to use.


At the heart of TracBASE is the back end database. This stores all the job information and scanned data. The website user interface is used to query the database and generate reports.


The front end of TracBASE is accessed via a user-friendly web portal - there's no need for specialised software to be installed on the client's computers. Users can query the database and source information that is all being updated in real time via scanners or manual input.

Barcode / RFID

Anything that needs to be tracked whether that be personnel, items or deliverables has a barcode / RFID tag placed on it. When scanned the information is passed through the internet and updates the database in real-time.

Service from the START

Businesses often notice irregularities with tracking both materials and assets when it’s already too late, but with the TracBASE system in place, we are there from the start meaning issues can be flagged early. This allows for both efficient processing and reduced operating costs.

That’s why our most successful projects have been when we’ve worked with the client at the initial planning stage well before physical Operations begin as it maximises the benefits of the TracBASE system.

Service – Straight out of the box?

A service solution can’t just be bought off the shelf and “plugged in” there are simply too many variables in logistics and construction. However, TracBASE, has all the required functionality and reporting to aid in any project. We will work with you to build a bespoke system with your business’s unique requirements – allowing for smooth integration with your business or project.

System Design and Implementation

We have many years of experience with designing solutions to best cater to your needs. Our previous projects are a testament to our ability to design and implement large scale projects. We want it to be a success as much as you do.


Our mission is to provide complete transparency of material status, location and movement. This visibility translates to optimal project control for planning and performance management.


Our team of project specialists are always on call. Every project has a dedicated team, both onsite or remotely, for the life of the project.


Each project is treated with the utmost security. We ensure that your sensitive data is safe. All our servers and cloud services have the highest level of security applied for peace of mind.

Similarly, within a project database, we utilise brick-level security groups allowing all stakeholders to only see what they need to see.


  • Lease of software, hardware and provision of consumables.
  • Stakeholder workshops to define materials management project scope.
  • Third-party and other external system interfaces with TracBASE.
  • Configuration of TracBASE for tracking fabricated materials.
  • Resources to drive frontline implementation of fabrication data capture.
  • Fabrication management reporting processes.
  • 3D/4D progress management reporting for fabrication, logistics and construction.
  • Configuration of TracBASE for monitoring logistics progress.
  • Resources to drive frontline implementation of logistics progress.
  • Logistics management reporting processes.
  • Configuration of TracBASE for monitoring construction progress.
  • Resources to drive frontline implementation of construction progress.
  • Construction management reporting processes.
  • On-site training of client personnel, contractors and subcontractors as requested by the client.
  • Exception and other management reporting processes.
  • Provision of resources for on-site materials and logistics coordination.